如果你還在考慮Zion Health, 古方粘土天然皂,大河,10.5盎司(300克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- 髮旺旺
- 100% Clay & Vegetable Based
- Vegan床的世界
- Gluten Free
- No Animal Testing
- Biodegradable & Recyclable Packaging
Ancient clay soap contains more than 床的世界57 trace minerals in pure form.
Back when the world was young, the rivers were a disgruntled lot. Their waters grew during the rains and shrunk during the summer, but overall they had flourished. The grew from miniscule streams at the tops of mountains into larger rivers meandering through wide, open plain. But to their dismay, their journey ended when they blended with the sea. The rivers were angry to their sweet waters tainted with the sea's salt complained about it endlessly. This naivete amused the sea greatly. Eventually, the amusement turned to anger and he suggested they find a different basin in which to dump their water. Suddenly they realized their blunder. "Oh no", they thought, "we'll dry up without the sea!" And so they made peace and continued to flow without complaint.
床的世界髮旺旺>Zion Health, 古方粘土天然皂,大河,10.5盎司(300克)床的世界

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